Tax Appeal Tribunal Adopted $27.5m Out Of Court Settlement In NLNG- FIRS Tax Case – NLNG

 Tax Appeal Tribunal Adopted $27.5m Out Of Court Settlement In NLNG- FIRS Tax Case – NLNG
The Nigeria LNG Limited (NLNG) said it had noted media reports in some quarters suggesting that a Tax Appeal Tribunal ordered NLNG to pay $27.5 million to the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) as a revised Company Income Tax (CIT) settlement for 2016.
NLNG in a press statement signed by
Mr. Andy Odeh, General Manager, External Relations and Sustainable Development, clarifies that these reports misrepresent an out-of-court settlement that was reached amicably between the parties, without prejudice to their respective legal positions, which the Tribunal merely adopted as Consent Judgment in the appeal.
According to him the payment by NLNG was made in furtherance of a settlement agreement reached between the parties and not because of any order made by the Tribunal.
He said NLNG remains a responsible corporate citizen, and consistently operates in compliance with Nigerian laws and will continue to operate in line with its vision of being “a globally competitive LNG company helping to build a better Nigeria.”

Online Editor

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